Today we’re going to take a look at the popping cork. You can use this great tool in many different types of fishing. We’ll talk about some of the applications of this tool to help you figure out how to use it. One of my favorite ways to use a popping cork is from shore or close to structure where fish hang out. Most fish like to hide around structure because it’s easier for them to hide and ambush their […]
When a beginner angler looks at saltwater fishing, it can be a bit overwhelming. Taking a look from the outside, you may think that it’s complicated with all the gear and equipment. Take those preconceived notions and throw them all out the window. If you are interested in starting to saltwater fish, then I’m here to tell you that it’s doable. Not only that, but you can do it without having some crazy expensive gear. It’s all about locating your […]
There are a few different kinds of fishing line that you can choose from whenever you’re setting up your fishing rod. There will be different lines that will work better for specific fishing trips. One of the lines you’ll have to choose from is the Fluorocarbon. Let’s check out when and why you’ll want to use the Fluorocarbon line for fishing. One of the top reasons you’ll want to use Fluorocarbon is because it has very low visibility. If you […]
One of the most versatile types of bait out there is the crankbait. There is a wide variety of styles to choose from whenever you want to fish with a crankbait. There will be some that stay shallow and some that can dive incredibly low. Regardless of which you pick, you’ll need to know how to use the crankbait properly. Today we’re going to take a look at the moderate-diving crankbait. This bait is perfect for seven to eleven-foot range […]