Custom Fishing Rod Favorite

Today we’re going to take a look at the popping cork. You can use this great tool in many different types of fishing. We’ll talk about some of the applications of this tool to help you figure out how to use it.

One of my favorite ways to use a popping cork is from shore or close to structure where fish hang out. Most fish like to hide around structure because it’s easier for them to hide and ambush their prey. The popping cork will prevent your bait from falling down too low. It can help your lure dangle right in the sweet spot. The reason the popping cork got its name is because of the noise that it makes while you’re popping it in. It sounds like a clicking that a shrimp, crab, or baitfish may make in the water. You’ll rig this cork up on the line and leave a little space between it and the jig on the end. At the end of your line, you’ll hook up your bait. If you use live bait, you won’t have to do a lot of work because they’ll naturally draw in your fish. However, with slower live bait like shrimp or plastics, the clicking noise will work for you. Trying to get an accurate cast is excellent. You will let your bait suspend in the water for a little bit and then begin to pop it back in. You’ll want to jerk it a bit to trick the fish that you are catching.

Castaway Rods is a great place to find your favorite custom fishing rod to use with a popping cork. Visit their website and search through the many different options that they have. If you have any questions, their team will help narrow down the field for you.


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