A fishing rod is one of the tools that you need to find and love in order to enjoy your time on the water. There are going to be a few things to consider whenever you’re picking out a new rod. Today we’re going to discuss some helpful guidelines about rod length to remember the next time your picking out a rod.

There are a few different aspects of a rod’s length that can have an impact on your fishing. Today we’re going to cover those to help you decide which length is best suited for your needs. Accuracy in casting is going to be one of the major factors when choosing your next rod. The shorter your rod, the more accurate you will be whenever casting the line. You’ll be able to maneuver a shorter rod much easier than you can a long one, and it will take less effort to get it where it needs to go. A short rod is considered to be six feet or less. If the exact accuracy isn’t as important, then a long rod will work fine. If you’re fishing in clear water, then a longer rod will be ideal, while murky or heavy cover water will require more precision, like what you can get with a short rod.

When accuracy isn’t important, but distance is, you’ll want to choose a longer rod. It’s much easier to get your rod out to a far distance when you’re using a rod that is at least seven feet long. The longer the rod, the more likely you are to sink bait deeper, as well.

Castaway Rods will carry both long and short rods, so you can take your pick once you figure out which you’re better suited for. Visit to check out a few of the different sizes and reeling styles for all of the custom rods that they produce.


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