Learning how to cast a baitcaster can be very beneficial. Although it may seem intimidating at first, and rightfully so, the most important part of learning how to use a baitcaster is practice. There are only seven easy steps to casting with a baitcaster. 

1) Let between 6 and 12 inches of line out. 

2) Hold the reel with your thumb on top of the spool of line. 

3) Turn the rod so that the reel is facing upwards (the opposite of what would be done when casting a spinner reel). 

4) Press the spool release button. 

5) Bend your arm so that your elbow makes a ninety degree angle. 

6) Bring the rod forward until it meets eye level. 

7) Use your thumb to apply pressure on the line as a sort of brake once the line meets your predetermined target.

You won’t know how to properly cast using a baitcaster reel after simply reading through these steps once or twice. You’ll need to practice a lot and you’ll probably get a few rat’s nests. But once you know how to properly cast using a baitcaster reel it will be easier to make precise casts, however, it does take a significantly higher amount of finesse than a spincast or spinning reel. So again, be sure to practice. Although baitcasting reels tend to sell at a higher price there are more benefits to them as well. They are more durable, yet more lightweight. They can support heavier line, they can hold more line, they have stronger drag capabilities than a spinner reel, they can handle heavier and more powerful fish, and they are highly customizable, especially with custom fishing rods. Learning to use a baitcaster reel will be a seemingly time consuming, but definitely rewarding task.


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