I grew up always watching my brother play sports and I tended to follow in his footsteps, so I always felt behind. When I used to sit and watch him play soccer, I’d want to play too. So I told my mom and she signed me up for the next indoor season. This is how I started from a “soccer incompetent” 9 year old playing for an indoor rec league, to playing for a club travel team today. Unfortunately my coach was not the best. The league let the coaches pick the players that would be on their team and since there were only four teams two of them were completely stacked and the other two were, unfairly, mostly new kids, including myself. So we lost every game, usually by 6 or more points. But our coach didn’t like losing so she would make us do a minute of suicides for every point we lost by, which again was usually 6 or more, so not the best first season.

But that summer I stuck with it and signed up for the outdoor league. I finally started to learn some new skills and enjoy playing. The next year I did the same league and I was chosen to play in their First Responder’s All Star Cup. At the end of one of the practices I noticed that there were some sort of tryouts happening on the field next to us, so I asked my mom what was going on and she said it was tryouts to participate in a tournament that fall. I asked her if I could try out. She said, “yes” so I ran up to the coach and asked him if there was still time to try out. He asked me what position I played and I told him mid-field. I used to play goalie, but I hated it and I wanted to play midfield so I decided to tell him that’s what I played. He said, “okay” and put me in the midfield position for the rest of the scrimmage.

I also would fish in my free time. It’s something else I enjoyed doing. I’m so glad I got into it after my dad bought me a kiddie fishing pole that was for sale when I was about 4 years old but I’ve always loved it. Now I get adult size fishing rods though. Some of the best adult size fishing rods are at castawayrods.com


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