A few days after the tryouts my mom got an email that I had made the team! I showed up to the first practice. We mostly talked about the tournament and what positions we would be playing. To my surprise the coach assigned me to be goalie! I talked to him after the practice and he said that he wasn’t going to call me back to be on the team but then he was talking to my all star coach and he said that I was a good goalie. The tournament coach didn’t have a goalie so he took a chance and called me back so he could have a goalie.

I played goalie for the tournament. I think we got 3rd place but that didn’t matter. I had learned so much over those couple months and realized that if I was going to play soccer I would not be playing midfield. The next year I joined the outdoor league again. I had moved up an age group so I would be playing with my brother, on the same team! But they already had a goalie. The coach made me and my brother the main defensive players. We played every game, the whole game. I had to sub for the goalie once though, because he was sick.

That fall I got to join the tournament team again, and that year we got first place! The most important thing that happened that season was not winning the tournament, it was one of the scrimmages. We happened to share the field with the local club team when the coaches decided to scrimmage. I noticed the other team didn’t have a goalie, instead they had one of their defensive players in goal. After the scrimmage one of the moms of one of my teammates introduced me to the club coach. She gave me a flier for their spring tryouts.

I was thinking about the flier she had given me while I was out fishing with my dad. I was really frustrated that day. I had tried to use my dad’s custom fishing rod baitcaster and I got it all knotted up. I needed something else to think about. That’s when I decided I would go to the tryouts, if I didn’t make the team, who would care?


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