Do you have the itch for some saltwater fishing excursions? Saltwater fishing is a fun type of fishing that not every fisherman has the privilege of experiencing. When it comes to saltwater fishing, you’ll want to make sure that you know when will yield you the best results. Today we’re going to look at a few tips that are going to help you catch more fish whenever you’re saltwater fishing. Whenever you have a free day to do some fishing, […]
Largemouth bass fishing is super fun, but there are some tips that can make your experience even better. We’re back with a few more tips in the second part of this series. Let’s see what other bits of information can help this early spring fishing season. Be strategic with the bait that you are using. You’ll want to try and cover as much area as possible to see where precisely the largemouth bass are congregating at the moment. I would […]
Temperatures are starting to rise, which means that some of our best fishing experiences are about to happen. Spring is in the air, which means the bass are about to get active. Since water temperatures are warming up, we’re about to start seeing bass move from their deep hibernation homes up into shallower waters. Even though the bass are out more, this time of year fishing can still be a little tricky. We’re going to offer you a few tips […]
Today we’re going to take a look at the popping cork. You can use this great tool in many different types of fishing. We’ll talk about some of the applications of this tool to help you figure out how to use it. One of my favorite ways to use a popping cork is from shore or close to structure where fish hang out. Most fish like to hide around structure because it’s easier for them to hide and ambush their […]
When a beginner angler looks at saltwater fishing, it can be a bit overwhelming. Taking a look from the outside, you may think that it’s complicated with all the gear and equipment. Take those preconceived notions and throw them all out the window. If you are interested in starting to saltwater fish, then I’m here to tell you that it’s doable. Not only that, but you can do it without having some crazy expensive gear. It’s all about locating your […]
There are a few different kinds of fishing line that you can choose from whenever you’re setting up your fishing rod. There will be different lines that will work better for specific fishing trips. One of the lines you’ll have to choose from is the Fluorocarbon. Let’s check out when and why you’ll want to use the Fluorocarbon line for fishing. One of the top reasons you’ll want to use Fluorocarbon is because it has very low visibility. If you […]
One of the most versatile types of bait out there is the crankbait. There is a wide variety of styles to choose from whenever you want to fish with a crankbait. There will be some that stay shallow and some that can dive incredibly low. Regardless of which you pick, you’ll need to know how to use the crankbait properly. Today we’re going to take a look at the moderate-diving crankbait. This bait is perfect for seven to eleven-foot range […]
For most saltwater fishers, you’ll decide on your target species before you hit the open water. When you know what you’re fishing for, you’ll bring along the proper lures, rod, and fishing line. If you’re saltwater fishing, one of the best lines to use is braided. We are going to take a look at braided lines and determine why they are such a great option. A braided fishing line is created by fusing several lines together. It is a lot […]
When it comes to finding a fishing line, we have a wide variety to choose from. If you were to stop by an outdoor store, you’d find that there are many different sizes, types, diameters, strengths, and so much more. Not all line is created equal; in fact, there are different lines for different needs. If you don’t know anything about fishing line, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re going to take a look at one of the […]
If you’re about to head out on a Speckled Trout fishing excursion, then you must understand them. Really studying up on these fish can help you learn how to catch them better. We’re going to take a look at the Speckled Trout habitat, diet, and a few tips that could help you have a successful time fishing. Speckled Trout, also known as the Spotted Seatrout, is a fish that is silver with dark spots down the back. They can be […]